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Sunday 11 May 2014

Mother's Day Story

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Stories And Tales To Celebrate The Maternal Love

There are numerous stories that surround the birth of any celebration. Mother’s Day is a tradition that has roots in the very foundation of humanity. Mothers have always embodied warmth and unconditional love. Every time we think of our mothers, we can feel slow and softly perfumed warmth effusing our skin, surrounding us with that feeling of security and trust, available nowhere else in the world. The touch of those hands that pat our heads and caress our backs when we need comfort and that voice that keeps us in line when we do mischief is infused in the very fiber of our being.

Celebrate Motherhood

When we think of mothers, is it necessary that we think of only our birth parents? Mothers can be present in our lives in myriad forms. There are many people in this world who do not have mothers; for them, fathers, aunts, sisters and step-mothers fulfill these roles. However, the foster parents should not be neglected. There are many people in the world who have both biological parents and foster parents, which could arouse some dilemma. It only requires clarity of thought and the ability to accept and give love unconditionally.

Origins of the Celebrations

The origins of the celebration can be traced back to the ancient times of the Greeks and Romans who worshiped their Mother Goddesses. Then the early Christians created their own version of the festivity by setting the fourth Sunday of the month of Lent, as the day commemorated for the Virgin Mary, the Mother of Christ. The tradition of giving gifts to the mothers had evolved from this, when the children were encouraged to honor their mothers with small gifts of flowers. The English adopted this custom with a slight modification; they included all the mothers and named it Mothering Sunday.

Modern Seeds of Celebration

The idea of having a Mother’s Day was coined in the mind of the august poet, writer and poet Julia Ward Howe, of the Civil War Era. She propagated the idea in 1872 that, there should be a day when all the mothers got the respect due to them presented to them in thoughtful gestures and feelings. However, the credit to the actual incorporation of the day goes to another eminent lady, Anna Jarvis, who wanted to honor her departed mother’s dearest wish of the day when mothers would be given the honor due to them in recognition of their efforts.

Let the celebrations begin

The first Mother’s Day happened when Anna Jarvis presented carnations to the members of her Methodist Church. She propagated the idea through all the channels available and as a result of her ardent attempts, President Woodrow Wilson declared every second Sunday of May to be the official Mother’s Day. However, the modern day celebrations are so far off from the original idea of the personal deeds that Miss. Jarvis had to resort to appealing to have the holiday revoked. It is inevitable that there must be some who do things for their mother not because they want to show off, but just to express their love.

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